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“Russian Translations
That Read Like Originals”

Translator Data Form

pbg is always on the lookout for highly qualified professional translators. We need people who can provide a top-quality service, meet deadlines, and maintain the confidentiality of our clients’ information. Russian is our specialty, but we also sometimes get requests for French, Italian, German, and Spanish.

If you are an outstanding translator and would like to be considered for freelance job assignments from pbg, please complete this form. If necessary, use the comment field at the bottom. Return it to us by clicking on the “Submit” button. Thank you.

Full Name
Company Name (if any)
Street Address
Street Address (continued)
City State/Province
Zip/Postal Code Country
Work Phone Work Fax
E-Mail Address
Best Language Pair (Mark native language(s) with asterisk(s), thus: Russian*)
Source Target
Subject(s) in which you can offer expert advice to other translators and provide editing/verification services
Subject(s) you can translate well but in which you sometimes need editorial help
Subject(s) you hope you never have to do
Native software formats in which you can deliver files (no conversions, please!). Specify versions.
Looking back on your previous translations, please select several of which you are most proud and reflect on them. What made your performance on those particular jobs so special that you consider them among your greatest accomplishments?
Things you want to say that didn’t fit elsewhere (Comments)

After submitting the form, please also send your résumé, along with any other materials you think will help us assign jobs that are well matched to your skills and abilities, as an attachment to an email message. If you choose to include samples of your work, please be sure to indicate which is the source text and which is the translation. Our preferred file format is MS Word for Windows, version 6, 7 or 97. Thank you.

Equal employment opportunity statement: pbg does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, national origin, age, religion, shoe size, hair color, musical taste, or any other irrelevant factors. If you do good work, deliver it on time, and keep it to yourself, that’s all we need to know.