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“Russian Translations
That Read Like Originals”

How to Contact pbg

Phone Us:


Sorry, no fax

US callers (toll-free): 1-800-724-9973
International callers: +1-215-328-9104



Email Us:


Write Us:

Place an Order
Request a Quote
General Inquiries


pbg translations, inc.
379 Green Meadow Lane
Horsham, PA 19044-1990

Our normal business hours are 9 AM to 6 PM US Eastern Standard Time (1400–2300 GMT), Monday–Friday. We answer the phones, accept packages, deliver translations, and reply to any messages during those hours. However, you may fax, email, or snail-mail us at any time convenient to you, and we will respond the next time the office opens.

If you have special delivery needs (for example, if you need a job delivered on a weekend or during other non-working hours), please be sure to discuss this with us at the time you place your order or request a quote.